"Being touched, being caressed, being massaged is food for the infant. Food as necessary as vitamins and minerals."-Dr. Frederick Leboye
Massage provides wonders for both moms and babies. It brings joy to the moms and warmth to the babies thus creating a special bond between them. This wonderful bond cannot be matched by any other type of interaction. It can also be participated by other members of the family.
Massage nourishes and nurtures babies much like food does. An everyday massage stimulates the baby's circulatory, respiratory, and digestive system. It improves his mobility and makes his muscles more supple. It also teaches him to relax.
Facial massage relieves a great deal of baby's tension from sucking, teething, crying and generally interacting with the ever expanding world around him.
Stomach massage tones the intestinal system and relieves constipation.
Strengthens the bones, tones the muscles and promotes flexibility.
Develops muscles that will support the spine.
Tones the lungs and the heart.
Massage techniques can be started as soon as you desire. Your baby will benefit most from a daily massage in the first six or seven months of his life so you might as well start early. You can massage your baby in the morning when you're both ready for the day, or in the evening to help your baby sleep better.
Before getting started, always make sure:
* Your hands are clean and warm.
* Your nails are trimmed and you're not wearing any jewelry that may harm your baby's skin.
* The room is warm.
* Your baby is not hungry or had just eaten.
* You are sitting comfortably and relaxed.
* Your baby is lying on a flat, soft, clean cotton surface.
* You have towels, extra diapers and clothes, oil or lotion ready near your massage area.
* You will remain undisturbed for at least 15 minutes.
* Maintain eye contact with your baby.
* Sing to your baby or play soothing music to help both of you relax.
* Apply a mild baby oil or lotion on your hands to avoid friction.
* Begin with a light touch and gradually increase pressure as you become more confident and your baby gets used to being massaged.
* Be sensitive to your baby's cues.
* Give your baby a bath after a massage to refresh him.
* Consult a trained professional for more details on infant massage.
* Do not massage your baby immediately after he is fed.
* Do not wake up your baby just for massage.
* Do not massage your baby if he is not feeling well.
* Do not massage him against his will.
* Do not force your baby in a position when massaging him.